- Who’s Playing: Tom Leighton & Conrad Kipping
- Date: Friday, February 8th 2013 - Wednesday, January 9th 2013
- Time: 7:00pm
- Venue: Waring House
- City: Picton , Ont
- Address: The Waring House is located at the junction of Hwy 33 (Loyalist Parkway) and County Rd. 1, 1.5 km west of Picton. GPS coordinates: Latitude-43.99372 Longitude-77.176308
- Venue phone: 613-476-7492 or 1-800-621-4956
- Country: Canada
- Admission: No Cover
- Age restrictions: All Ages/Licensed
- Notes: It’s always great to be at the Waring House with Conrad. We’ll be bringing out lots of instruments, Canadiana songs and lots of energy. Plan on enjoying the great food the have on menu. The start times can be “fluid”.